A Blog for English 8010

Friday, April 15, 2005

The First Day of Class

I thought everyone would like this list.

What do you want to do on the first day of class? Check out this huge list of things to do. Lots of ideas!


Blogger jhertlein said...

I think that list is very helpful, in part because it is so practical. I know that when I go to the first day of class, I want the basic information that will serve me for the rest of the semester, and that seems to be much of what the list is advocating. Part of what scares me about those first days of class is the idea that they might set the tone for the rest of the semester. However, I while I would say those first days are important, I think there is also a lot to be said about changes in the class that happen. I know I've had classes I've initially dreaded based on the first day, but ended up loving, and vice versa. I've also heard PhD students say the same thing about courses they are teaching. And I'm sure a large part of the first day is reassuring yourself as much as, or maybe more than, the students.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Marcia said...

Yeah, I hope they'll cut me some slack and give me a few days to get in the groove.

The more I read blogs, the more that I realize that there are lots of experienced profs who get butterflies on the first day of class.

I'm hoping we'll all settle in and do fine.

1:18 PM  

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